Monday, November 22, 2010

My Sundays

Sundays have always been my favorite day. That was until I started working at Colton's and had to work on Sundays. When I was in high school I had my daily Sunday routine which consisted of going to church, eating lunch with friends from church, and then laying on the couch watching golf or GAC until it was time for church again. I miss this so much!! It was nice having a day where I did not have to worry about getting anything done, and could simply enjoy time with my family and friends or napping.

Yesterday, Sunday, I had the day off so I took it upon myself to drive home and visit some friends. Ashley and I went to register clothes for Kinsley. I have come to the conclusion that baby clothes are the cutest thing in the whole wide world. We then went to dinner at Bar Louie with all the girls plus Lane, Aimee's boyfriend. It was great to just visit and catch up.

I then talked myself into the Forever the Sickest Kids Show at Juanita's. I had decided that I was going to go, but I changed my mind at the very last minute. I am glad I did. I was surrounded by friends I hadn't hung out with in what seems like forever. It was great to see everyone, and not worry about having to get homework done or anything of the sort.

One thing about soon having a "real" job-is that I will finally have my Sundays back. I guess growing up isn't so bad after all.

Little A and I are going to make the best aunties.

Christina, Jessica and Ashley at Bar Louie.

I got to hang out with this beautiful face at FTSK. =)

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