Friday, July 16, 2010

take two

I have had this blog for almost two years now but you could never tell by looking at it. After I started it I was horrible about posting. It would be months sometimes before I would post something new. While I was looking at all my old blog post (mainly to pass time at work) the other day I came to the conclusion that it was just a bunch of random thoughts thrown into a big blogging mess! SO I have decided to make a promise to myself and all my readers (and future readers) that I am going to regularly update this thing from now on, and I will try not to do any random babbling. I guess you could say I am “starting over” with my blog.

A couple things first:

-Some of my older post were things I had to do for school, like all the Photoshop pictures, banners, etc. Last semester we had to post all our work to this blog, along with posting twice a week. I was still bad at it then. That’s why I was posting random photos and things if you were wondering.

- I am working on finding a new layout and everything for my blog too. So it will soon have a totally new face. =)

-The subject/reason/theme of this blog is for me to show you my journey through life. I am finishing my last year at Tech and then hopefully will be going to grad school and then off to the real world. So you can keep up with my adventures by reading!!!

I hope you come back to see what is going on with me! And if you have your own blog, post me the link so I can see what is going on in your world!


1 comment:

  1. kbruce....i can't wait to see what your life looks like in the next year...and your blog for that matter. :) haha.
