{Me, Nichole, and Bethany at Nichole & Jake's Wedding.}
The past month I have been a busy bee. Planning a New York trip, getting my wisdom teeth pulled, visiting with out-of-town friends, weddings and working. I've been trying to enjoy my last few months in Arkansas and the time is going by faster than usual.
{My go-to wedding date and best friend, Casey.}
I leave in a week to look for the "perfect" apartment in the city. Planning a New York trip is much harder when it's all business and no play. Okay, I am making a little time for play. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will find an apartment first thing, so I can enjoy a few stress-free days of vacation. My sweet friends and family have been a great help, giving me books and helping me search for a place! I just hope they will all come visit. I can't even say how much I will miss them, especially my five oh one family.
{My NYC bucket list thanks to my sweet friend Whitney.}
Speaking of missing people, my dear friend Brittany flew down from Canada last weekend to visit. She was only here for five days. Not long enough. We made a couple of trips to Russellville to visit our old college buds. It's so weird how much has changed in the year that I have been gone. I felt so old because I knew, what seemed like, five people. I am glad she came to visit and I can't wait for her trip to NYC in the fall. I was still a little under the weather from my wisdom teeth being pulled, but I'll be ready to take the city by storm on her next visit.
{Brittany and I the night before her long flight back to Canada.}
Now it's back to make the New York itinerary. I somehow became the one in charge of trip planning, lets hope I don't screw this one up. If anyone has any NYC tips and must do's, send them my way.